Before we get to the disappointing part, let’s talk about what is actually going to happen to me surgery wise. I met with both of my oral maxillo-facial surgeons, my current orthodontist, two registrars and an orthodontic nurse. We looked at my first ever moulds and x-rays and compared them to them as they stand now. My surgeon also showed me using the moulds what my teeth and jaw would likely to look like afterwards. It’s pleasing to say that already there has been a dramatic improvement, and i’m sure that the end result will look as fantastic as the moulds, it’s just getting there that seems to be the issue. :P
My surgeon explained that my Jaw is a pretty unique one, and can be improved in two ways;
- A) A fairly simple and straightforward operation, whereby my bottom jaw only would be moved forward and will be just a few hours operation.
- B) Maxillary Impaction with Mandibular Advancement and Genioplasty Surgery- a larger scale version on what could be done, giving me an even better result. It would involve moving my top jaw around 5mm upwards, my bottom jaw forwards approx 5-6mm and, my chin-bone being cut and moved also.
It was agreed that the second would be my better option and it’s main aims were to sort out my general positioning of my jaws, my inability to close my mouth, my gummy smile, my open bite and my lack of strong jaw bone and chin.
They explained to me that after a potential 7-hour operation I’m likely to be in hospital for 3-5 days, after then I’d return home all ’battered and bruised.’ I’d then be seen by my surgeons once a week for 8 weeks, just to make sure that post-operative my Jaw and Chin remains ok. After the 8 weeks I’d be given back to the care of my orthodontist who will make any final adjustments and continue to monitor my post-op progress.
They also went onto talk about the possibility of relapse a few years post-op, where i’m very likely to get a slight open jaw after around 4 years, however they also pointed out that even after relapse, the improvements will still be 100% better than they are now, and the benefits outweigh the negative aspects.
My disappointment comes to the wait. I’ve officially being put on the waiting list and marked as ready for my operation, it’s April now and I’ve been told that my operation would definitely be after August, and potentially into next year. However it remains a waiting game, and i’d only be told a month in advance of my surgery date. This is mainly due to emergency operations taking priority over myself which is understandable and to be expected, but still, the disappointment made me cry before I’d even left the room.
Now I’ve accepted the facts, I’ve come to terms with the longer journey that lies ahead of me. I’ve waited so long for my operation, and a couple more months really isn’t going to hurt!